Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How about these elections? I am sure when the dust settles, we will hear of a defeat or two to the progressives, but for now everything is coming up roses. Sunday sales sweeps Georgia by a landslide. Ohio measures against unions and abortion defeated by a landslide. In Iowa, Republicans failed in their attempt to win control of the State Senate. Had they won a special election there, they would have likely been able to pass numerous measures including a ban on same-sex marriage that had been blocked by Democrats. Residents of Traverse City, Michigan, voted to retain the city’s nondiscrimination ordinance, which includes explicit protections for LGBT people. According to local media reports, the city voted to keep the ordinance by a nearly 2-to-1 margin. Yet another landslide. Mainers voted to overturn a new Republican law that restricted voters’ rights by ending same-day registration in the state. Mississippi rejected a draconian anti-abortion law that would extend “personhood” to fertilized eggs. In a stunning blow to the Tea Party movement, a huge turnout in Mesa’s conservative District 18 overwhelmingly voted out Arizona’s hardline State Senate President Russell Pearce in a historic recall election. Considered the architect of the SB 1070 immigration law, Pearce had worked with the American Legislative Exchange Council lobby front to shape the latest version of the bill, which had spawned similar laws in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and other states. This election sends a message to other Democratic efforts to not be afraid to take on issues and races in red states. Yes, the whiney segment of the Republican Party have had their asses handed to them so many times in so many places today they have lost track of whose ass it was in the first place.

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